Sports LearningEdge Centers is at the forefront of youth learning in general and sports skills instruction specifically. Our Patent Pending learning technologies and unique business model has enabled the company to join with major sports entities and their corporate sponsors to provide free sports and health education to young people around the globe. We are always interested in talking with private investors interested in joining us as we set new standards for delivering sports instruction and health education to millions of young people around the world.
SLE Brings to Sports Participation
- A Single site for On-demand sports learning in multiple languages
- A new and exciting way for people to acquire the skills to participate
in sports
- Worldwide exposure and access to new sports, athletes, equipment
and apparel
- Promotes sports participation and exercise worldwide
SLE Brings to Sports Consumers
- On-demand access to learn the skills for gaining a competitive
- Tips from professional athletes and coaches in user’s
own language
- An interesting and dynamic site to frequently visit and explore…for
- Online Certification courses to help parents coach
young athletes
- Immediate access to buy the gear and apparel needed to perform
SLE Brings to Sports Stakes Holders & their Sponsoring Companies
- New venue for exposing brand and products to younger
sports consumers
- Direct association between improving in a sport and the sponsor
- A vehicle to leverage investments in endorsement athletes under
- Give-back opportunities with diversity/RSL courses and promoting
youth exercise
- An inexpensive way to get a competitive advantage increasing
sales worldwide
SLE Brings to Investors
- An experienced and proven management team
- A business model capable of producing high Internet traffic
and attracting sponsors
- A business that can result in a favorable ROI for sponsors and
- Low-risk venture combining diverse-but-existing technologies
and business models
- Breakaway path with large returns based on increased user demand
To learn more about the company and how to participate in the future
of sports learning:
Call us at (508) 358-2950 or email us at